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La Floraison Wellness

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4 Place Malespine, Antibes, 06600
Notre politique de réservationGratuite Consultation/ Free Discovery Call

Appelez Eva pour d'information ou si vous voulez louer le studio/ please call for more info or if you would like to rent the studio: 0616462570


Cours/ Classes

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À propos de nous

La Floraison Wellness s'engage à vous aider à atteindre des résultats qui sont motivés par vos objectifs.

La Floraison Wellness is committed to helping you achieve results that are driven by your goals.

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10 commentaires
  • Eddie·

    Eva was kind, attentive, with beautiful energy that radiated from her hands. Upon her touch, I felt safe and my heart chakra opened, tears flowing down my face while having the most wonderful face and scalp massage. Thank you Eva 🙏🏼

  • Chantelle·

    Thank you for this mornings microneedling and acupuncture session. I somehow always leave the wellness center feeling somewhat grounded.
    Today came a few tears after the session - not from any pain, just a stirring of sort within.
    They were good tears, happy tears, a sense of love and appreciation for people like yourself in my life.
    I look forward to my next session with you. After 4 sessions i do see and appreciate the benefits of the treatment, as well as your precious healing hands and the calm you bring to our lives.

  • Natalia·

    Eva helped me a lot and cured me of shoulder and arm pain. A doctor was able to prescribe me only pills after I injured my arm. Couldn’t sleep at night. Eva applied several methods of treatment: reflexology, warming up with herbs, and then she released the clamped muscle exactly where it was very sore. Eva knows exactly where it hurts. After four sessions, the pain completely disappeared! I am very grateful to her! Also Eva showed me some exercises how to feel good! If someone have some problems, I recommend definitely to ask Eva for help!

  • Jess·

    Eva has a very calm and grounded presence which is a pleasure to be around.

    I have really enjoyed my recent Pilates classes, Eva is patient and attentive and creates a lovely environment to learn how to move and connect with my body in new and different ways. I highly recommended taking a class!

  • Nathalie Pouzoulet·

    Eva m'a initié au face yoga, une pratique à la fois relaxante et qui tonifie les muscles du visage aussi. J'ai également consulté Eva pour des problèmes de sinus et digestion. Elle a su me conseiller d'un point de vue holistique et nutritionnel et m'a également soulagée grâce à l'acupuncture. Je recommande vivement!

  • Olga Herbecq·

    Eva is just amazing as Pilates and face yoga teacher! I’ve seen results after 2 classes of Pilates which is very inspiring! )) Thanks to regular face yoga classes during 3 months my husband and me, we both see the differences! Without any botox. I used to have online classes with Eva and now I’m happy to have the possibility to come to her wellness boutique offline:) there is a parking just near which is also comfortable for someone who is driving.

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